If you believe that another player is in violation of our Terms of Service, please read over the guide below on how to report this.
Neverwinter (PC)
If the violation occurs in this title, please submit the ticket in-game by going to the Game Menu (default key: Escape) and selecting Help.
Once in the menu, press Request GM Help.
Next, select Player Behavior, and fill out the description fields as thoroughly as possible. We highly recommend that you send your report as soon as the violation is witnessed.
Neverwinter (Xbox One)
If the violation occurs in this title, please highlight a player you wish to report, then press the A button to bring up the player options menu. Next, select Report Offensive Player, and fill out the description fields as thoroughly as possible. It is also highly recommended that you report the violation as soon as it is witnessed.
Neverwinter (PlayStation 4)
If the violation occurs in this title, please highlight a player you wish to report, then press the X button to bring up the player options menu. Next, select Report Offensive Player, and fill out the description fields as thoroughly as possible. It is also highly recommended that you report the violation as soon as it is witnessed.
Star Trek Online
If the violation occurs in this title, please submit the ticket in-game by going to the Help and Support menu. This menu is accessible by clicking the question mark icon found in the HUD in the upper-right corner of the screen.
Once in the menu, press Request GM Help.
Next, select Behavior, and fill out the description fields as thoroughly as possible. We highly recommend that you send your report as soon as the violation is witnessed.
Champions Online
If the violation occurs in this title, please submit the ticket in-game by going to the Help and Support menu. This menu is accessible by clicking the question mark icon found in the HUD in the upper-right corner of the screen.
Once in the menu, press Request GM Help.
Next, select Behavior, and fill out the description fields as thoroughly as possible. We highly recommend that you send your report as soon as the violation is witnessed.
Other Titles
If the violation occurs in a game without an in-game ticketing system, please submit a ticket directly from our website using the Contact Support button on the left sidebar of this page. Violations include, but are not limited to: in-game harassment, using inappropriate language in chat, having an inappropriate character name, scamming, botting, and hacking. When sending a report, please be sure to include as much of the following information as possible where applicable:
- A detailed summary of the situation.
- Any screenshots you have of the situation.
- All character names involved.
- The server this occurred on.
- The exact names and quantities of the items involved, if any.
- The exact amount of currency involved, if any.
- The exact time and date in server time, if possible. If not, please note your time zone.
Upon receipt of your report, a Customer Service agent will perform an investigation and take appropriate action against the reported accounts. Our support team will do their best to investigate the report, but we are unable to guarantee a specific resolution. Please keep in mind that due to privacy concerns we will not be able to discuss any aspect of our investigation or any disciplinary action that may be taken on the reported account. Also, please note that a Customer Service agent may only contact you if there is a need to follow up with your issue.
Please note that a GM will only contact you if there is a need to follow up with your issue.
More details on different types of violations can be found in our Player Code of Conduct.