How do I submit a faction logo?
In order to submit a faction logo, you'll need to visit the "Faction Icon Submission" page and follow all of the instructions and requirements that are listed below:
- The submitting account/character must be the level 3 faction leader.
- The icon image must be sent in as a BMP format and must be 16*16 pixels with a RGB color mode.
- The BMP file needs to be saved in 24-bit for the specifically allowed color depth.
The image cannot be inappropriate and we reserve the right to refuse any pictures we deem inappropriate.
Please remember that inappropriate or incompatible faction names will also be denied a faction logo. To make sure your faction name is compatible, simply check if all the symbols can be entered into a character name.
If you are having trouble submitting a logo through the website, please send in a ticket to customer support for further assistance with having the logo manually submitted.